Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (2024)

If you want to learn about the Cards Against Humanity rules then this helpful guide will help. Card Against Humanity is actually quite recent compared to many card games. It was the result of a successful Kickstarter campaign launched in 2010.

The game was created by a group of 8 students who met at Highland Park High School, USA. The card game is similar in some respects to Hasbro’s, Apples to Apples game but is much more adult in nature.

If you have never played Cards Against Humanity it’s likely you have at least heard of it. The game grew in popularity very quickly and it has seen numerous expansions, special edition sets, limited editions, and more. Let’s take a more in-depth look at this popular card game and see how you play.

What is Cards Against Humanity?

Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (1)

Cards Against Humanity takes its name from the saying “crimes against humanity” so you can likely already tell this game isn’t for the faint-hearted. The idea behind crimes of humanity is to be as funny as possible with your answer.

Because this is a party game it isn’t really point-based, although points can still be used to decide who won a round. The idea behind the game is to be shocking and funny by choosing the most outrageous answer.

If you’ve always wanted to give Cards Against Humanity a try then read on to find more about how to play the game.

How to Play Cards Against Humanity

What You’ll Need

Cards Against Humanity isn’t your traditional card game! In fact, one of the many reasons it likely grew in popularity so quickly was because of how flexible and “laidback” it is compared to other card games.

However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things to learn when it comes to playing the game or rules. To play Cards Against Humanity you will first need a set of cards. Like we mentioned earlier, there are plenty of different sets to choose from and expansion decks.

But to get started we recommend sticking to a basic set first. The good news is that even the basic introductory set like the product below comes with plenty of cards. Speaking of which let’s take a more in-depth look at how the cards work.

Black Cards

There are two kinds of cards in your standard Cards Against Humanity set, black and white. Black cards are question cards and at the start of a round, the Card Czar picks a black card and places it face up.

Following the standard rules, the black card is picked at random. However, given the flexible nature of Cards Against Humanity, this doesn’t always have to be the case. In fact, many players opt to choose the card they find to have the best potential for funny or shocking answers.

On each black card, there will be either a question or statement with a blank space. This space is what will be filled with a white card.

White Cards

Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (4)

White cards are more numerous than black cards. For example, in the basic Cards Against Humanity set you get 500 white cards and 100 black. At the start of each round once the Card Czar has placed the black card down every player will be dealt 10 white cards.

On the cards, they’ll be either a short phrase or a single word answer. This is what will fill in the empty space found on the black card. The idea is for each player to choose the card they find the funniest.

Once you choose a card you give it face down to the Card Czar who will read out each answer. So, that is the basics behind how the cards work. Let’s now take a look at the gameplay of this quirky, party game.

Cards Against Humanity Rules and Gameplay

Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (5)

The Aim of The Game

The aim of Cards Against Humanity is to simply have fun! While there is a scoring system it doesn’t have to be used and the rules actively encourage people to play however they want. But if you’re playing for the first time then following the standard rules is recommended.

After a while, you can always think up some fun house rules or try a few new things. But to ease into the game comfortably following the standard Cards Against Humanity rules is always going to be the best option.

Starting A Game

Cards Against Humanity is designed for group play and it’s recommended that there is a minimum of 4 players. If you’re looking for2 player card gamesthen Cards Against Humanity isn’t the best choice; with this game it’s the more the merrier.

There can be as many as 20 players and in some cases even more! But to start a game you first need to decide who the Card Czar is going to be.

The Card Czar will change after every round and it is their job to choose a black card, deal out the white cards, and finally read out the answers once collected. Under the standard rules, the Czar will also be responsible for choosing the funniest answer as well.

According to the official rule book included with Cards Against Humanity sets the person who most recently defecated should be the first Card Czar. Although like most areas of the game this rule can be changed.

Awesome Points

Earlier we said there was a scoring system under standard Cards Against Humanity rules. These are known as awesome points and a single point is awarded to the player the Czar chooses each round.

After one round has been completed a new player becomes the Czar. This doesn’t have to be the winner of the previous round although this is usually the case. And then a new round is played.

So, what does getting an awesome point actually do? Well under the standard rules noting, in fact, standard Cards Against Humanity rules make it clear that the objective is to simply have fun. They don’t state a way for you to win the game at all.

Rule Variations

Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (6)

Talking about all the variations and house rules for Cards Against Humanity would require quite a few large volumes. But if you want to add a twist to your games or utilize a more traditional points system you can do so.

Some popular rule variations include placing a cap on the number of rounds and the player with the most points wins. Others give players with awesome points the ability to play more than one white card per round.

Another popular house rule is to alter the rule of the Card Czar. Instead of them being the one to choose a winner the best white card is instead chosen by the group. Others even transform it into adrinking game.

Expansion Sets

Part of the reason for Cards Against Humanity’s popularity is the great array of expansion sets. These sets cover many different themes like ones based around UK and Australian style jokes. To ones themed around different decades like the 80s and 90s. Expansion sets come in various sizes and usually add new black and white cards to your decks.

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Cards Against Humanity – A Party Game You Won’t Forget

Cards Against Humanity was definitely one of kind upon its release, although now there arequite a few variationsfrom other companies.

It’s not something everyone will enjoy and the creators know this. The standard Cards Against Humanity box even states “a party game for horrible people” which shows the unique character this game has.

But if you are up for some tasteless and risqué fun or are looking for a card game suitable for group play it would make a fun choice. You can also customize the rules in all sorts of ways as well. It might not appeal to everyone but if it suits your sense of humor you’ll certainly enjoy playing.

Cards Against Humanity Rules & Strategies to Play The Game (2024)


Is there a way to win Cards Against Humanity? ›

However, a popular way to win for most players is whoever has the most black cards or points at the end of the game (black cards are obtained on who is funnier). A fun way to end off the session of Cards Against Humanity is to end off with the Haiku card since it can help get rid of all of your "bad" white cards.

How many Cards Against Humanity cards are there total? ›

Comes with 500 white cards and 100 black cards for eternal replayability. Includes a booklet of sensible game rules and preposterous alternate rules. This is the main game.

What does draw 2 pick 3 mean in Cards Against Humanity? ›

Some question cards have extra instructions, such as 'draw two and pick three', which means that you draw two cards and then play three. Just what it says, in other words. Otherwise, you recharge your hand based on the number of cards you just played after the round has ended.

What questions are in Cards Against Humanity? ›

General Cards Against Humanity Questions

The highlight of my school day is always ___. The school's newest extracurricular activity involves ___ and ___. I got detention for ___, but it was totally worth it. The school cafeteria's latest 'delicacy' is a fusion of ___ and ___.

Is there a secret in Cards Against Humanity? ›

According to Buzzfeed, people are starting to discover a hidden Card in their Card's Against Humanity box. Hidden in a “Mystery Spot” in the Bigger, Blacker Box, lies a fantastically offensive card that could just be the trump card you've been searching for all along.

Do you keep picking up white cards in Cards Against Humanity? ›

The Card Czar then picks the funniest play, and whoever submitted it gets one Awesome Point. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar, and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards.

What is the best number of people for Cards Against Humanity? ›

You need at least four players to play Cards Against Humanity. There's no upper limit to how many people can play, but it's most fun with 6–8 players. If you don't already own Cards Against Humanity, you can find a deck here.

How to explain Cards Against Humanity? ›

Each player holds a hand of ten white answer cards at the beginning of each round, and passes a card (sometimes two) to the Card Czar, face-down, representing their answer to the question on the card. The card czar determines which answer card(s) are funniest in the context of the question or fill-in-the-blank card.

Can you play Cards Against Humanity with two people? ›

But fear not, I am here to teach you the ways of the Jedi offensive little card game. Officially the game plays 4 to 20 plus players. It is possible to play with 2 or 3 with some house rules (more on them later), and more than 6 just feels a bit claustrophobic.

What is in the green box card against humanity? ›

The Green Box contains 300 totally new cards you can add to your deck of Cards Against Humanity, which is great because you love Cards Against Humanity. 300 all-new cards: 245 white and 55 black.

What does NSFW mean in card games? ›

The two games have the exact same game mechanics, but the illustrations on the cards are different. The NSFW means "Not Safe For Work" which means the content is intended for mature audiences.

What does draw 25 cards mean? ›

Draw 25 refers to a two-paneled meme with one image of a customizable UNO wild card next to an image of a man with a large hand of cards. The wild card typically gives the option of performing an action or "draw 25" and the second image infers that a person decided against performing the action.

What is the happy ending of Cards Against Humanity? ›

Happy Ending: When you're ready to stop playing, play the 'Make a haiku' Black Card to end the game. This is the official ceremonial ending of a good game of Cards Against Humanity, and this card should be reserved for the end.

How many cards do you start with I Cards Against Humanity? ›

About Cards Against Humanity

Each player holds a hand of ten white answer cards at the beginning of each round, and passes a card (sometimes two) to the Card Czar, face-down, representing their answer to the question on the card.

What is the green box for Cards Against Humanity? ›

Cards Against Humanity has been a popular party game for years, and with the release of the Green Box expansion, the laughter and offensiveness continues. This 300-card expansion pack is perfect for anyone who has already exhausted their base game and previous expansions.

How to play the card game? ›

The player to the left of the dealer begins by placing a card or cards of the same rank face down on the table. The player must say what the cards are, but does not have to tell the truth. For example, they could say they have "3 fives", and place any 3 cards in the centre. The other players must then follow suit.

How do you play Cards Against Humanity on a team? ›

Cards Against Humanity

Players take turns selecting a question or fill-in-the-blank card from a deck. And the remaining players respond with their funniest or most absurd card from their hand. It's also a great way to break the ice, get to know people better, and bond.


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