Cards Against Humanity: Rules and How to Play | Group Games 101 (2024)

Cards Against Humanity is a popular party game that is not for the faint of heart! If you and your pals have a sense of humor, this game will liven any gathering. The Cards Against Humanity game makers describe it as “pretty stupid.”

Consumer reviews are mixed when it comes to this outlandish card game.

Not only are the questions wacky and comical, but they have also been considered inappropriate and offensive.

This Cards Against Humanity rules guide will cover the following:

  • What is Cards Against Humanity?
  • A brief history of Cards Against Humanity
  • What you’ll need to play Cards Against Humanity
  • Cards Against Humanity Rules
  • How to play Cards Against Humanity (Video Tutorial)
  • FAQs

Read on to learn how to play Cards Against Humanity.

What is Cards Against Humanity?

Cards Against Humanity: Rules and How to Play | Group Games 101 (1)

Cards Against Humanity is a card game where players fill in the blanks of silly statements with ridiculous answer choices, making jokes throughout the game.

Number of Players: 4-20

Ages: 17+ Adults Only

Difficulty: Easy

Length of Play: 30-90 minutes

Category: Party Game, Card Game

Similar to: Apples to Apples, What Do You Meme?, Joking Hazard

Main Objective: The player who collects the most black cards, or wins the most rounds, is the winner!

Why We Love It: This game is either hated or loved by its reviewers, making it that much more entertaining! Will you be a fan of Cards Against Humanity? Play to find out!

A Brief History of Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity was originally designed by a group of friends to play for a New Year’s Eve party. After their guests thoroughly enjoyed the game, they decided to market Cards Against Humanity in 2010.

To their surprise, sales skyrocketed. Since then, the producers have released a variety of expansion packs and additional game variations that include a family edition, Absurd box, Everything box, a Nerd Bundle, and more.

What You’ll Need to Play Cards Against Humanity

Everything you need to play comes included in this boxed set.

Our Pick

Cards Against Humanity: Rules and How to Play | Group Games 101 (2)

Cards Against Humanity


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The original boxed set contains:

  • 500 white cards
  • 100 black cards
  • Instruction manual

Area of Play

Set up requires minimal effort when it comes to playing this game. All you need is an easily accessible tabletop surface to place cards. Cards Against Humanity is portable enough to play around a card table or at a back corner booth in your favorite bar.

Begin the game by dealing 10 white cards to each player. One player is chosen to be the starting Card, Czar, or judge. Stack the deck of black cards in the center of the table face down.

Cards Against Humanity Rules

Players take turns being the judge in this silly card game. The Card Czar begins the first round by drawing a black card and reading it aloud to the group.

The other players select the best, funniest, or craziest word or phrase from their hand of white cards to complete the statement by placing their card face down on the table.

The judge shuffles and reads aloud all the white cards and selects the card they believe best completes the blank on the black card. The winner of each round keeps the black card.

All players collect new white cards to restock their hands, needing 10 to start each round.

The player to the right of the judge begins the next round by drawing a black card and reading it aloud. Play continues until you run out of black cards or decide to stop playing.

Card Examples

The black cards, read by the Card Czar, may include phrases such as:

If I could take one thing on a deserted island, it would be __________.

What should you never yell during sex?

Your honour, I plead not guilty to ______________.

White cards, which are selected and played in response to the black card, include statements of this nature:

Drunk pregnant women

The fortress of solitude!

Bullet time

Hey, batter batter, swing batter!

Optional Rules

  • In the event of a “Pick 2” black card, players will select two white cards to submit. These cards must be placed sequentially together with the first card to be read on top.
  • Players can trade in points or black card wins to switch out for a new selection of white cards. This can be done at any time during the game.
  • You can choose to play with an imaginary player to add a little more fun to the mix! This works by selecting a random white card from the deck for each round and placing it on the table with the others hand-chosen by each player. Keep up with how many times the random card wins!
  • There is an additional ending option to Cards Against Humanity. When ending the game, play the “Make a Haiku” card. All players select dramatic or poetic white card options for the grand finale.

Related: 28 games like Cards Against Humanity

How to Keep Score in Cards Against Humanity

The winner of each round keeps the black card on the table in front of them. This is an easy way to keep track of how many rounds each player has won.

The player with the most black cards at the end of the game wins!

How to Play Cards Against Humanity – Video Tutorials

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you play Cards Against Humanity with just the expansion?

You can play Cards Against Humanity with just an expansion pack, but it is not recommended. The manufacturer recommends purchasing the original boxed game listed above prior to purchasing any of the theme or expansion packs for a complete gaming experience.

Can you return Cards Against Humanity?

The company does provide returns for purchases in America. Referred to as themost offensive gameavailable today, you can imagine why some users are willing to pay return shipping fees to send this game back.

However, reading guides like this gives you insight prior to making a purchase of a game, so you will know what to expect!

Other Games Similar to Cards Against Humanity (Our Guides)

If you are brave enough to attempt another crazy gaming adventure, be sure to check out these similarly rowdy games:

  • Disturbed Friends rules
  • Superfight rules
  • Exploding Kittens rules
  • The Mind Card Game rules
  • Black Card Revoked rules
  • Red Flags game rules
  • Monikers rules
Cards Against Humanity: Rules and How to Play | Group Games 101 (2024)


Cards Against Humanity: Rules and How to Play | Group Games 101? ›

Players take turns being the judge. At their turn, they read aloud a black card, and other players submit their funniest or most outrageous white card to complete the statement or answer the question. The judge will then choose the best submission, and that player earns a point.

How do you play Cards Against Humanity on a team? ›

Cards Against Humanity

Players take turns selecting a question or fill-in-the-blank card from a deck. And the remaining players respond with their funniest or most absurd card from their hand. It's also a great way to break the ice, get to know people better, and bond.

How do you play Cards Against Humanity with a large group? ›

If you're playing with a large group, the Card Czar can choose three winners. Award three points to the Czar's favorite answer, two points to the second best, and one point to number three. Vote on the best answer. Instead of taking turns judging the answers, have everyone play an answer card every round.

How to play Cards Against Humanity with friends? ›

Step 1: Visit, Step 2: Scroll down to 'Play your favorite tabletop game or make your own' > 'Cards Against Humanity' > 'Start Game'. Step 3: Copy the game room link and share it with up to 5 other friends. Click enter when everyone has the link and you're ready to get started.

How to explain Cards Against Humanity? ›

Cards Against Humanity is an adult party game in which players complete fill-in-the-blank statements, using words or phrases typically deemed offensive, risqué, or politically incorrect, printed on playing cards.

Is Cards Against Humanity a good party game? ›

Cards Against Humanity with the right group can be a truly fun party-game. The game mechanics of Cards Against Humanity effectively provide a space for its largely non-vulgar player base to wallow in filth for an hour or so.

What does draw 2 pick 3 mean in Cards Against Humanity? ›

Some question cards have extra instructions, such as 'draw two and pick three', which means that you draw two cards and then play three. Just what it says, in other words. Otherwise, you recharge your hand based on the number of cards you just played after the round has ended.

What questions are in Cards Against Humanity? ›

General Cards Against Humanity Questions

The highlight of my school day is always ___. The school's newest extracurricular activity involves ___ and ___. I got detention for ___, but it was totally worth it. The school cafeteria's latest 'delicacy' is a fusion of ___ and ___.

Do you draw cards in Cards Against Humanity? ›

Playing Cards Against Humanity

So, to begin, every player draws 10 white cards. Officially, the player who most recently did a number 2 (that is a poo poo) goes first.

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Simple and easy to play. Each player must pick 8 white cards and keep them hidden. The youngest player is nominated as the first Card Master and draws a blue card. The Card Master reads the question or fill-in-the-blank phrase on the Blue Card out loud.

How to play Cards Against Humanity Family Edition? ›

If you're familiar with the game Apples to Apples, it works in a similar fashion. One person reads a card with a question or fill-in-the-blank statement (such as, “Don't go in the bathroom, there's a ____ in there”). Then, everyone else responds with a card that they believe will get the most laughs.

Can you play Jackbox on Teams? ›

As you host your virtual get-together, you'll want to start up the Jackbox Party pack of your choice. Use the screen sharing option in Teams, and make sure you check the “Include computer sound” option. From there, start up a game and your room code will be visible, and attendees can join in.

Can you play Cards Against Humanity with 3 players? ›

The Basics. Cards Against Humanity needs at least three players to work, but there's no upper limit to the player count aside from how many white cards the game's owner has. To start things off, every player draws 10 white cards, and then one player becomes the Card Czar.

Can Cards Against Humanity be played with two players? ›

Cards Against Humanity is playable with two players with some adjustments to the rules although the revisions can change the feel of the game. The official way to play is to introduce a dummy player, but two players can also both provide the answers if they can agree about which one is funniest.


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.