Wellsville Daily Reporter from Wellsville, New York (2024)

Eight WELLSVILLE DAILY REPORTER, WELLSVILLE, NEW YORK Wednesday, November 23, 1966 Basketball Openers Friendship, Fillmore, Scio, and Win Non-Loop Games Non-league basketball took over. center stage on the county sport scene Tuesday night as six. quints took the wraps of the 1966-67 campaign, The area teams posted a 4-2 performance rating with Fillmore, Friendship, Canaseraga, and Scio posting victories. Richburg, playing against Friendship, lost, 77-56 while Angelic suffered a 52-47 loss at Nunda. On the winning side, Canas.

eraga, topped Wyoming, 41-27; Fillmore routed Attica, 84-64; and Scio drubbed West Valley, 73-44. closer look: Attica at Fillmore The highly touted Green opened with a school scoring record as they shook off a serious case of first-period jitters en route to the 84-64 victory. The point total eclipsed a mark. set four years ago. Attica had the hosts on the ropes in the first period as they raced to a 22-12 lead.

Fillmore came back, to draw close, 32- 31, at the half, but they busted it wide apart in the third frame by posting a 33-7 margin. Sharpshooting Bob Babbitt led the offense with 21 with the Millers, Bruce and Joe, chipping in with 18 piece. Ed Johnson had 14. The teams were even from the field with 30 field goals a- piece, but 'Fillmore made 24 of 34 free throw attempts with the visitors sinking just five of 21. Fillmore (84) G.

r. T. Ed. Johnson 6 14 Byron Kaufman 2 5 Bruce Miller 6 18 Ron Johnson 2 4 Bob Babbitt 00 5 21 Joe Miller 7 18 Neil Van 0 4 4 Jim' 'Speicher 0 0 Dave, Roble 0 0 30 84 Attica (64) G. F.

T. Almeter Wassink Dave Nelson .10 Eric Dodd 18 Dick Gay 16 Lyons 2 Durfec 6 Killian 3 6 30 5 65 Score by periods: Attica: 22 32 39 65 Fillmore 12 31 64 84 at Canascraga always tough on the defense, showed this year be no exception if their first game can serve as any indication as they recorded a 41-27. defensive win over Wyoming. Neither team shot well as the Indians hit on just 15 of 63 With Wyoming sinking nine of 54.: Junior Terry Bacon, the biggest of the Canaseraga players at 6-3, tallied 11 points topped the rebounding department, as he cleared 20. Dick Dailey, another junior, led the winners with 14.

Wyoming (27) G. F. T. Knight CagWin -00 2 Hooker 3 Blake Connolly Stranton 10 Longhini 5 27 Canascraga (41) F. J.

Hess. 6 Worden Flint Dailey 14 Bacon: 11 Freiner BOWLING RESULTS OF THE MOOSE POINTS WON Mooseheart 0, Five Faiths (2332) Academy. of Friendship (2414) 3. Hospital (2250) College of Regents (2400) 2, Five Hopes (2388). 2..

HIGH SINGLE College of Regents. (848) HIGH TOTAL Academy of Friendship (2414) HONOR ROLL Ruth Wolfe 202 BUSINESSMEN PONTS WON Gardner's Fire Fyters (2857) 2. First Trust Co. (2822) Coats Drug Ca. (2683) 2, (2735) Paddock's Poultry (2752) 4, V.F.W.

(2633) 0. HIGH SINGLE Gardner's Fire Fyters (1042) HIGH TOTAL Gardner's Fire Fyters (2857) ROLL Ed Curtis 204; Darrell Davis Jr. 299, Wayne Cooper 224, Herb Sherman 202, Ken Johnson 203. Bill Simons 211. AND- WELL POINTS WON O'Donnell's Grocery (2336) 3, Modern er (2213) Hotel Joyce (23- 59).

1, Kent Seed Farm (2430) Nolan's Restaurant 1. 1, Andover Garage (2322) Short's Service Station (2149) 0, Whitesville American Legion (2268) 4. HIGH SINGLE O'Donnell's (819) HIGH TOTAL Kent Seed Farm (2430) HONOR ROLL Norma Bur. rows 199, Margaret Carson 178, Norma Gavin 175. ALLEGANY LEAGUE POINTS WON CDC Mill.

work (2577) 4, Bowl-0-Var (22- 35) Frederick's Store (2427) 3, Allentown Auxiliary (2296) Hopkins Lumber (2476) 4, Davis Body Shop (2257) Chef Grill (2282) 3, Harold B. Short Son (2221) First Trust Co. (2357) 3, Iva's Ceramics (2351) Village Coffee Shop (2349) 4, Dave Green T.V. (21- 83) 0. HIGH SINGLE CDC Millwork.

(863) HIGH TOTAL CDC Millwork (2577) HONOR ROLL Barb Burdick 186, 180 (575), Necia Ebeling, 174, Bonnie Burch 199, Marie Moore 175, Cheri Johnston 190, Mary Davis 180, Sara Fitch 175, -PENN POINTS. WON Heart's Delight (2854) 1, Reporter (2926) Burrous Furniture (2895) 3, Chapman's (2847) W-T-S. (28- 81) 4, Lester Chev. (2589) 0. HIGH SINGLE W-T-S Turkey Day Offers Full 'Grid' Meal By HAL -BOCK Associatd.

Press Sports Writer While most of the country sits back and digests that Thanksgiving Day' turkey, Bob Lilly and the rest of the Dallhs defensive line will try to gobble up Cleveland's twin running terrors: Leroy Kelly and Ernie Green. Dallas, tied for the National Football Lengue's Eastern ference lead with 'St. Louis, hosts third-place Browns. in the key clash of a three-game holiday pro football schedule. In another NFL game, San Francisco plays at Detroit.

In the American League; Buffalo visits Oakland. Lilly is the 6-foot-5, 255-pound tackle who anchors the Cowboys' defensive line. Last Sunday he lowered the boom four times on Pittsburgh quarterback Ron Smith as the Cowboys beat the Steelers 20-7. On Thursday Lilly will have to concern himself not only: with Frank Ryan, Cleveland's. fine quarterback, but also with Kelly and Green, who've given the Browns a running attack.

Kelly rushed for 100 in Cleveland's 14-3 victory over Washington last week and. took the NFL lead. He has gained 830 yards in 157 and scored 10 touchdowns. Green is fourth in 640 yards in 117 attempts. San Francisco will try to bounce back from, a tough 35-34 loss to Philadelphia but' the 49ers will have to find a defense for the NFL's newest' place kicking sensation, Garo: Yepremian.

Yepremian, the left footed 'soccer type Cypriot kicker, two field goals as 'the Lions upset Baltimore: 20-14 last Buffalo, leading the AFL's Eastern Division by a. full game, can put more distance between itself and pursuing Boston and New York. But the Bills will have a battle on their hands against the Raiders, who've won six of their last seven and jumped into second place in the Western Division. The other pro teams play Sunday. In the National League, Atlanta i is at Chicago, Green Bay visits Minnesota, Los Angeles takes on Baltimore, New York is at Washington and Pittsburgh takes on St.

Louis. In the American League, New York entertains Kansas City, San Diego is at Denver and Boston at Miami. Hapless Red Wings Lose to Habs, 3-0 DETROIT (AP) Sid Abel stood in the gloom of the Detroit Red Wings' locker room and shook his head. "I just don't know," the Detroit general manager-coach said. "If I had the answers, we'd be winning." He had just watched his Red Wings skate sluggishly and shoot futilely in absorbing 3-0 whipping from the Montreal Canadiens in the only National Hockey League game played Tuesday night.

The loss left the Wings mired in last place and facing another road trip. They meet Boston Thursday and Montreal Saturday. So far, the Wings haven't scored a point on the road. "After playing a bad one at home like this, we'd just as well be on the road and see if we can come out of it," Abel said. "I'd hoped coming home tonight we'd do some good work." Sid James Scores In QB Club Game Scio'8 Sid.

James won weekly Quarterback C.ru contest with 21 correct selec. tions from the 25 contests. James, as did most of the 346 entries, missed the Notre Dame tie with Michigan He also picked on the Colt Lion, PatriotChiefs, and UCLA USC games. Two, however, did see: the Irish Spartan clash as a toss-up. They were Mrs.

Alberta, Folwell and Richard Moyer. Eight people tied for second with 20. They Included Edith Fanton, Bob Mrs. Alberta Folwell, Eugene Lodge, Pat Regan, Wayne Cooper, Mrs. Charles Spinelli, and Mary Ryan.

Of the 346 entries, 67 were from out of Wellsville with Scio leading the out-of-towners. with 14 contestants. in this' week's final contest are reminded blanks must be in Reporter office by no later than midnight tonight as Thanksgiving Day games are listed. Entries sent by mail must have a Wednesday. postmark.

Royals and Bullets Post NBA Victories NEW YORK (AP) In school you learn the three Rs. Tuesday night, the Cincinnati Royals gave New York a basketball lesson in the two Rs Robertson and Robinson. Super star Oscar Robertson played the kind of game expected of him and Flynn Robinson spurred a Cincinnati surge as the Royals beat the Knickerbockers 121-118 in the second game of a National Basketball Association doubleheader at Madison Square Garden. Baltimore defeated San 125-117 in the first game. There was no other NBA action.

"They're adding better players each year," said Oscar. "At least it seems that way to me. It's getting tougher to win." One of those better players looks like Flynn, a rookie from Wyoming who missed all of the 1965-66 NBA season because of a severe virus infection. Dallas, Lions, Bills For Pro Wins NEW YORK (AP) Thanksgiving Day will be one long blur of football one many, television screens with three games due to be beamed across the nation on the holiday. Cleveland and Dallas meet in' the Cotton Bowl in a game that should long way toward determining.

the Eastern Con. winner: in the National Football League. The Cowboys, tied with St. Louis. for the lead: need to reverse the result of their first meeting with the Browns to stay out front.

Buffalo needs a win at Oaklandi to maintain the pace in the Eastern Division of the American Football League, and, the Raiders can't "afford to stumble if they. want to maintain any hope of catching Kansas City. The day starts. off. with San Francisco at Detroit at ,12:30 p.m.

Buffalo, EST; at. over CBS, moves Oakland at' 3. p.m., EST, over. NBC, and then winds up with Cleveland at Dallas at-6 p.m. EST, over Here's how Thursday's games look: National: League 27," San Francisco '21 Sweetan doing a.

surprising job at quarterback for the Lions. The 49ers pulled 'it out-27-24 'in last three seconds of 23" game at Both 'playing second game in five days. Lions defense should win it. Dallas 28, Cleveland 24 real toughie. could decide the title in East.

Browns smeared Don Meredith at Cleveland, throwing him five. times losses and interceptting But. Browns seem have: leveled off. and Cowboys may be ready for big effort before home crowd. Dallas made all the yardage, and Cleveland got the points: in 30-21 game Oct.

23. Loss of BIll Glass and Milt Morin' hurts Browns, return of Jim Boeke plus to' Dallas. American League Buffalo 20, Oakland -17 Bills driving toward another title despite sputtering offense. The defense must do the. job against Raiders, who have been against Houston and San Diego.

Oakland must win to stay in Western unless Kansas City collapses. COLLEGE PICKS By HAROLD CLAASSEN Florida over Miami: NEW YORK (AP) Army will beat Navy, Alabama will polish off both Southern Mississippi and Auburn and Notre Dame will recover from its bruising battle with Michigan State in time to defeat Southern California. Those are the final forecasts of the season. Army over Navy: This game always is the last half of the two-part football schedules at the two service academies. All the preceding games are merely practice sessions in preparation for this one.

Army has the better record, 7- 2, to Navy's 4-5. The Middies, however, did better against Notre Dame than did the Cadels. Army, in turn, did better against Pittsburgh than did Navy. Georgia over Georgia Tech: A neighborhood feud with national implications. Georgia was beaten once, by a single point; Tech, unbeaten until now, will have a similar record by nightfall Saturday.

Spurrier, the Heisman Trophy winner, will pierce the Hurricanes! outstanding. defense. in his final scheduled appearance as a Gator. It is a. Saturday afternoon affair.

Texas over Texas It has been a sad. year for both, but the Aggies, will be even sadder as they devour their turkey Thursday, Nebraska over Oklahoma: The Huskers already have won their fourth straiglit. Big Eight crown, and they have the talent to scalp the Sooners and. finish the' year unbeaten. It, too, is a Thursday game.

Alabama over Southern Mississippi: Southern Mississippi lost to Mississippi State, Alabama beat the same team "by 13 points. Notre Dame 'over Southern California: After their games of a week ago Notre Dame against Michigan State and Southern California against UCLA how can either field a team this week. But the Notre Damers are' younger and will faster. It is a Saturday affair. Serving Thanksgiving Dinner Noon 'til 6 p.m.

Plus Complete Dinner Menu 6. HOTEL FASSETT, Phone 593-5700 Florida's Spurrier Records Big Edge In Heisman Voting France 2 6 Browe 0 .0 Coombs 0 0 0 11 41 Score. by periods: Wyoming 3 10 18 27 Canaseraga 8 17 32 41 Scio at West Valley Junior Jim Potter and Jim Rouse scored 27 and 20, respectively, to pace the Tigers to a 73-44 win over West Valley. Potter scored most of his points on drives. and jumpers while Rouse, the Tigers' smoolh operating addition from last year's JV club, put his 6-2 to good use scoring mostly on taps and underneath.

Between the two, they had more field goals (20) than the entire West Valley team (18). Scio (73) G. F. T. Boyce 3 8.

Rouse 8 4 20 Potter 12 3 27 Jordan 3 8 Guinnip 3 6 Rigby 2 Alsworth 2 Nickerson 0 0 31 11 73 West Valley (44) G. T. Spalding 5 Hintz 9 18 Bradley 2 7 Almelda 3 6 Church 2 5 Cartwright 3 18 8 44 Score by periods: Scio 18 34 54 73 West 7 23 36 44 Friendship at Richburg In the lone collision of counly rivals. class Richburg gave Friendship (class C) a tussle for a half before the Eagles 'broke it wide open in the second half with their fast break. The visitors held a 35-28 lead at halftime, but outscored the Bearcats by a 22-10 margin in perlod three to coast home the easy, victors.

All-star Denny Miles, still just a junior, topped all point-getlers with 24. Mark Mazza had a dozen. Jim Dick led the losing cause with 16; Van Rickicki had 15; and John Bullock tallied 12. Friendship dropped 34 of 72 from the field while Richburg hit on just 27 per cent from the field. Friendship (77) G.

F. T. Schwab 4 8 Mazza 12 Elliott 2 Burdick 3 3 9 Miles 10 24 McDermott 3 Lentola Stuck 9 Lord. 2 Davidson Bralts 4 Richburg (56) V. Rickicki G.

F. T. 5 15 Sisson Bullock 12 Wilder 2 Dick 16 Mitchell Benedict 2 Weimer Hurd 6 Loucks 2 23 10 56 Score by periods: Richburg 14 28 38 56 Friendship 17 35 57 77 Angelica at Nunda "We had the game won, but let it get away in the fourth period. We just went cold from the floor and couldn't get anything." That's how John Murphy, coach of the Angelica Foxes, summed up his team's 52-47 loss at Nunda after his club led by nine at the half, 31-22. Angelica scored just two points in the final eight minutes while Nunda ran off 12 for the win.

Bob Wilkins and Dick Young led the losers with 14 and 11, respectively. Angelica (47) G. F. Young Gosper 3 5 Short 3 Wilkins 6 14 Button Grastorf ON 19 6 44 Nunda (52) Moffat Wyant Lewis Timothy 5 Lowell 3 10 Downs 2 5 19 14 52 Score by periods: Nunda 9 22 40 52 Angelica 12 31 42 44 By MACFEELY Fla Steve Spurrier was on the practice: field: Tuesday doing calisthenics with his Florida teatmates less than two hours after he learned he won the Heisman Trophy as they outstanding colfootball player of 1966. "There's not much chance to celebrate," Spurrier told newsmen at hastily.

arranged press conference. "Welve got Miami to. think about, and can't let up: before a game like that he, said. Spurrier was as poised before the cameras and floodlights and endless questions, as he has been on the Saturdays, he has led the Gators from behind to nearly unbelievable victories. It was certainly a thrill," he admitted.

margin I won by shocked me a little, though he said. Florida didn't play on television this" season and we were not seen over the counStry?" He got .433 of the 869- firstplace votes from the nation's 'sports writers and a total of 679 points. Second place Bob Griese of Purdue had 184 firsts and 816. points. Next in points were Nick Eddy of Notre Dame 456, Gary of UCLA 318, Floyd Liftle of Syracuse 296 and Clint Jones of Michigan State 204.

Florida and Spurrier will be seen on television in the Orange. Bowl game against Georgia Tech the night of Jan. 2: He -is looking forward to it. 4. At every opportunity, he men: tioned his teammates, sharing with them this and all other honors he.

might, win. "I know the other players are almost as. happy as I am," He said. "They a 'great bunch. With this team it it's all for one?" He was asked to look ahead, beyond this Saturday's regular season wind-up against Miami, beyond his trip to New York: to receive, the Heisman Trophy Dec.

1, beyond the Orange Bowl at Miami, beyond the Hula Bowl in Hawaii, Jan.46 the time 'he will a professional. don't know which team will draft me," he, said. "Some people say it will be the New York Giants. It I do go to the Giants, it will 1 be a real opportunity, but I won't talk to the pros until after the Orange Bowl officially or. unofficially." Caltech Completes Season With a 'Perfect' Record (1002) HIGH TOTAL Reporter (2926) HONOR ROLL George De Barbieri 208, 210, Ralph Root 206, Ed Ellis 212.

WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGUE POINTS WON Umiker's (2301) Ludden's (2470) Marty's (2300) 2, Whitford's (2333). Karl's Western (25- 47). 3, Rosser's (2311) Hyslip Hyslip (2370) 4, McIntyres (2203) Super Duper (2377) 3, Hamilton's (2305) Mason T. Dye Home (2323) 0, Kailbournes (2542) 4. HIGH SINGLE Karl's Western (808) HIGH TOTAL Karl's Western (2547) HONOR ROLL Faith Hull 186, Anne Transki 194, Helen Pritchard 178, Bey Gilman 182, Caroline Browning 181, Ida Lessard 195, 185 (529), Doris Haxton 184, Edna Brague 200.

New Pro Hoop Loop Said Ready for '67 LOS ANGELES (AP) A new professional basketball league is ready for the 1967-68 season and the owners won't hesitate to raid the National Basketball Association for players, a founder says. John McShain, of John McShain Associates in Anaheim, told the Los Angeles Times Tuesday that the American Basketball Assocition "is all set." Teams will be placed in Los Angeles, Anaheim, Seattle, Atlanta, Phoenix, Cleveland, Indianapolis, New York, Louisville, Memphis, Dallas and Houston, McShain said. The problem of players was broached, and McShain was asked if the league would raid the NBA. "Why not?" he plied. There will also be a draft, the Times said, and plans will be announced next week in Chicago.

NBA RESULTS Tuesday's Results Baltimore 125, San Fran. 117. Cipcinnati 121, New York 118 Today's Games San Francisco vs. Baltimore at Washington, D.C. St.

Louis at Boston Philadelphia at Cincinnati New York at Detroit Chicago at Los Angeles Thursday's Games San Francisco at Philadelphia Boston al St. Louis ROBERT: PASADENA, (AP.) weekend, two Southern football teams stepped onto the, field with perfect seasons. But Claremont-Mudd faltered, scoring a. 27 triumph: that allowed the California Institute of Technology to emerge with an unblemished racked up its second 'straight perfect' year With an 0- 8 mark, making it-23 losses in a row for the team known both as the Beavers and Engineers. Since Claremont- entered- the fray with an' 0-8 record, the game could be considered for the mythical title as the.

worst college team sin the eliminated' any doubt about its supremacy, when it unleashed its legendary point-aminute squad on defense. That battered aggregation limited the opposition this season to, 387 points, while: the offense rolled up '54. Last season, the or Engineers ground points and allowed 296. 793 Although Caltech hasn't won a game since early in 1964 when it this season had its highlights. downed Los Angeles.

Pacific; Caltech held La Verne: to -34-8, the closest losing margin of the season, and 'the Beavers -rolled for two touchdowns against Azusa-Pacific while giving up only 55 points. The Engineers use the cavernous Rose Bowl for home games; where attendance sometimes soars to 2,000 students most of them wanderers from visiting schools. Bert LaBrucherie, the Caltech mentor, once was head coach at' UCLA, where he led the Bru- ins to. an unbeaten season in 1947. Unfortunately, his lads were beaten, 45-14 by Illinois in the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day and it was suggested that he After a spell of selling automobiles, LaBrucherie accepted the 'head position at the Califor.

nia Institute of Technology. Grades and classes come before sports at Caltech. The school offers no inducements: to athletes and does no recruting, so. LaBrucherie has to fashion teams out of scholars. This season: students showed up for the opening day of practice, including 15 letter winners.

"My players probably have highest IQ. average of any team in the country," cherie says. "Judging our record, this proves plainly that football is more than a game of Cleveland's Kelly Regains Rush Lead NEW YORK (AP) Leroy Kelly of Cleveland has regained the rushing lead in the National Football League with a total. 830 yards and an average of. 5:3 yards per carry, Dick Bass of Los Angeles is close behind with 808 yards but the Rams have played 11 games: to, Cleveland's 10.

Each will play 14 before the season ends. Gale Sayers of Chicago with 785 in 10., games also is a hot contender. 34 Warm and Willing AQUA-KLEER CAR WASH This Year Get a Travel f. "Gift. Certificate" For A.

Trip in To Some Sunny Isle To Have Fun A Or Relaxing At Famous Resort or Hotel SOMEONE TAKING A TRIP? Look At The Wonderful Gifts In Our Travelers' Gift Wellsville: Travel N. Main St. Phone 593-2342 Wellsville.

Wellsville Daily Reporter from Wellsville, New York (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.