The Ultimate Free ACT Study Guide Tips Strategies And Practice Study Smart Tutors Act Practice (2024)

ACT Content and Strategies
  • Overall ACT Test Strategy
  • ACT English Prep Guides
  • ACT Math Prep Guides
  • ACT Reading Prep Guides
  • ACT Science Prep Guides
  • ACT Essay Prep Guides
  • Test Dates
  • Study Plans
  • Prep Materials

How to Use This ACT Study Guide

This ACT study guide collects our most important ACT articles on every topic, from general info to key test-taking tips and specific section content. Without a doubt, all of these topics are critical for making the most of your prep and staying confident on test day.

We’ve arranged the following guides in roughly the order we recommend reading them, starting with a basic overview of the ACT and moving on to high-level strategies. From there, we dive into content review and tips for each section before finishing up with suggestions for planning your ACT prep and picking a test date.

Depending on how much ACT prep you’ve completed, you might want to skip around and read only the sections that are relevant to you. However, we strongly recommend working through all of our guides more or less in order so that you’re not overlooking any crucial info you need to know. It can also be helpful to read guides on topics you already know to refresh your memory.

If you’re pressed for time, feel free to read part of this guide and come back to it later. There’s a ton of info here, so don’t feel as though you need to digest everything in a single sitting! In fact, we strongly recommend bookmarking this page to make it easier to return to later.

Now, let’s take a look at our top ACT guides!

The Ultimate Free ACT Study Guide Tips Strategies And Practice Study Smart Tutors Act Practice (1)

Intro to the ACT

All beginners to the ACT should start with the basics. In this section, you’ll learn how the test is structured, what kinds of questions and content it tests, and what its scoring scale means for you.

You’ll likely need to take the ACT or SAT to get into college, but how important is your ACT score to schools? And how can you use this knowledge to raise your chances of getting into the college of your dreams? This extensive guide explains why colleges look at ACT scores and how they use ACT scores to compare students across the country.

This article lays out all of the fundamentals of the ACT: how it started, what it tests, and why you need to take it. It also offers a few tips on how to get started on making an ACT study plan.

You’ll need to familiarize yourself with the four ACT sections. Our individual section guides explain what you can expect on each section in regard to content and question types.

What does a 36 mean? A 15? A 24? Understanding how the ACT is scored is vital to creating the most effective prep plan for you. This comprehensive guide lays out how your ACT score is calculated and how to use this info to your advantage.

Before taking the ACT, it’s important to know what the average ACT score is and what percentiles are. Our guides give you the overall ACT average, explain how this average can vary by college and state, and go over how to use percentiles to compare your performance with other test takers’.

Everyone wants to get a good ACT score on test day. But what’s more important than hitting a certain percentile is getting a score that’s right for you. This guide explains how to figure out what a good ACT score for you is and how to set a target score based on where you’re applying.

Still not sure whether to take the ACT or SAT? These guides teach you the differences between the two tests and help you decide which one is ultimately right for you.

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How to Approach ACT Prep Effectively

Now that you’ve got your basics down, let’s move on to getting started on your prep. What is the best way to approach the ACT? And how can you make sure you’re studying effectively for it? These resources will help you get in the right mindset for ACT prep.

You can’t take the ACT without prepping for it first. (Well, technically you can, but I certainly don’t recommend it!) This guide gives you a detailed 10-step plan to help you make the most of your ACT prep.

Looking for a more concise list of ACT prep tips? Then this guide is for you! In this post, we introduce our top five tips to help you prepare effectively for the ACT. These include designing an ACT study plan and using your time wisely.

Nearly everyone has procrastinated on something—and many on ACT prep! With school and homework, it can be difficult to find time and energy to study for the ACT. This is why we’ve written a handy guide to help you get started on your test prep. Our tips teach you to hold yourself accountable for your actions and show you how to find the willingness to study.

If you’re trying to get a perfect ACT score, you absolutely must read this guide. Even if you’re not aiming for a perfect score, this is an excellent resource that can help you understand what kinds of strategies to use to get a high ACT score.

Written by a full scorer (who also got a perfect SAT score—twice!), our guide explains all of the major tricks and methods you must use to get a 36 on test day. Rather than focusing on content, we tell you the key strategies, such as how to find and target your weaknesses, you’ll need to know when aiming for perfection.

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ACT Content and Strategies

Our guides above teach you what the ACT is and give you a foundation for your ACT prep. Now, we get to the meat of our resources: all of the content and strategies you’ll need to know to do well on the ACT. We’ll start generally and then narrow in through section-specific guides to help you target particular skills and concepts.

Overall ACT Test Strategy

Many students take practice tests and drill practice questions without actually stopping to understand what their mistakes mean or how they can use their errors to their advantage. In this guide, we teach you how to review your mistakes so that you can know your weaknesses and stop making the same mistakes again and again.

Should you guess if you don’t know the answer to a question on the ACT or are running out of time? Absolutely! B ecause there are no penalties for incorrect answers, you’ll give yourself your best shot at hitting your ACT goal score by answering every question. But how can you guess smartly? This guide offers five key strategies to use in your prep and on test day.

Having some trouble hitting your goal score? These 15 tips and strategies will improve your ACT section scores and give you the confidence you need for test day.

For High Scorers

If you’re consistently scoring highly on ACT practice tests but still want to improve your score, this guide is meant for you. Here, we teach you how to focus your prep, manage your time, and conquer your anxieties to get the high (and perhaps perfect!) ACT score you’re aiming for.

For Low Scorers

Not impressed with your ACT scores on practice tests? Then use these guides to learn what kinds of mistakes (both content and mental) you’re making and what changes you can make in your prep to ultimately increase your score.

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ACT English Prep Guides

If you’re not sure where to start in your ACT English studies, read this guide. We cover the best ways to prep for ACT English as well as how to address and fix time-management issues.

Looking for a thorough ACT English guide? This guide is actually a stockpile of all of our best and most helpful ACT English articles. From individual grammar guides to expert strategies, we give you everything you need to know to ace ACT English—in one convenient resource.

ACT English is all about grammar. Check out this article to see all major grammar topics tested on the ACT, from ambiguous references to verbal phrases, in addition to key rhetorical skills, such as redundancy, formality, and conciseness.

To do well on ACT English, you need to have a good passage-reading strategy. This strategy won’t necessarily be the same as the one you use for ACT Reading and Science passages (though it can be!).

For English specifically, we recommend the graf-by-graf method (short for “paragraph-by-paragraph”). This guide goes over what this strategy is and how you can use it on test day to get a high ACT English score.

If you’re currently scoring in the 14-24 range on ACT English, this guide is a good fit for you. Here, we offer you expert tips on how to approach and study for the English section so that you can eventually raise your score to 26+.

This guide contains expert advice, all from a perfect scorer, and teaches you how to get a 36 on ACT English. Key points covered here include how many questions you must get right to get a 36 on English, how to study grammar effectively, and how to identify patterns in your mistakes.

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ACT Math Prep Guides

Math formulas are critical to doing well on ACT Math. And since you’re not going to get any on test day, you’ll need to memorize the most important ones as you prep. This guide covers 31 major math formulas likely to pop up on the ACT.

This guide collects all of our best ACT Math articles in one place for you. From strategies to content to expert tips, we cover everything you need to know to get the Math score you want.

Of all math strategies you can use on the ACT, these two are by far the most important. If you don’t know how to solve a math problem or need a quick and easy method, try plugging in an answer or number and then solving.

You’ll only have about one minute per question on ACT Math, so time management is crucial. These guides offer essential tips on how to use your time wisely on the Math section so that you’re never spending too much or too little time on a question.

If you’re having trouble scoring above a 24 on ACT Math, read this guide. You’ll learn what it takes to get a 26+ on Math and how to prepare effectively for the section.

Aiming for a perfect ACT Math score? Then you’ll definitely want to check out this guide. Here, our resident ACT full scorer offers several foolproof tips on studying math and making the most of your prep.

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ACT Reading Prep Guides

If you only have time to read one ACT Reading guide, definitely read this one. Here, we give you the #1 critical strategy you’ll need to know to get questions right on ACT Reading. Once you’ve mastered this strategy, your Reading score is sure to go up.

This ultimate guide is essentially a gigantic stockpile of all of our best ACT Reading resources. Get the rundown on what the Reading section tests, how it’s scored, and what the best test-prep and test-day strategies are.

Wondering how to read ACT Reading passages—or whether you should even read them at all? This guide goes over the three best ways to approach Reading passages and offers tips on how to answer the questions that accompany them.

Need help getting questions right on ACT Reading? In this resource, we explain how to break down Reading questions and eliminate incorrect answer choices. We also go over the common ways ACT Reading likes to trick test takers.

Time management can be difficult on ACT Reading, which only gives you about 53 seconds per question. This is why it’s so important to learn how to manage your time wisely. Our guide explains how to monitor your time and practice effectively so that you’re getting more questions right before time runs out.

If you’re scoring around 24 or lower on ACT Reading, this guide—written by an expert full scorer—can help you raise your score to at least a 26 on test day. We summarize what it takes to get a 26 on Reading, explain how ACT Reading likes to trick test takers, and give you eight strategies to help you get a higher score.

Aiming for perfection? Then check out our guide to getting a 36 on ACT Reading, written by an actual full scorer. With this resource, we teach you how to identify and target your weaknesses as well as how to find the best passage-reading strategy for you.

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ACT Science Prep Guides

If science isn’t your forte, don’t freak out! The truth is that, despite its name, ACT Science is way more about reading than it is about actual science. This guide explains what kinds of reading skills you’ll need to have for ACT Science and teaches you how to improve them.

For a robust resource of all of our best ACT Science articles, check out our ultimate ACT Science study guide. We give you links to a variety of articles and guides focusing on the format of ACT Science, what it tests, and how you can prepare effectively for it.

Because the Science section is more about your reading comprehension than it is your science knowledge, it’s important to develop a solid passage-reading strategy for test day. This guide summarizes the five possible strategies you can use and shows you how to find the perfect fit for you.

You now know that ACT Science doesn’t really contain that much science. So what science do you actually need to know for it? This guide lists the key scientific concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, and math you’ll need to know to score highly on ACT Science.

Like Reading, you’ll have about 53 seconds per question and about five minutes per passage on ACT Science. But how can you manage your time so that you’re answering most or all questions correctly? We teach you what order to read the passages in, the maximum amount of time you should spend on a question, and how to keep your energy level up on test day.

Did you take practice tests but didn’t get the ACT Science score you wanted? Don’t worry because there are plenty of ways to raise it! If you’re scoring in the range of 14-24 on the Science section, this guide will give you the confidence and practical tools you need to score at least a 26.

Aiming higher than a 26? Then check out our guide to getting a perfect ACT Science score, written entirely by an ACT expert and full scorer. In this guide, we provide you with 13 key strategies for reaching perfection in addition to examples of schools that expect perfect Science scores.

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ACT Essay Prep Guides

ACT Writing is optional, meaning some students take the ACT with Writing and others don’t. But what should you do? Read this guide to get advice on whether you should take the ACT essay. We go over key factors to consider, such as the price of the ACT with Writing and whether a high Writing score could potentially boost your application.

You’ve decided to take the ACT with Writing—but how do you actually write an ACT essay? This step-by-step guide takes you through the entire process of composing a strong ACT essay, from planning and brainstorming to organizing paragraphs and revising your work.

The Ultimate ACT Writing Study Guide: Tips, Strategies, and Practice

If you prefer having all of your ACT Writing resources in one place, this is the guide for you. Here, we’ve gathered all of our best ACT essay articles and guides to help you prepare for the Writing section and get the score you want on test day.

ACT essay prompts can be confusing if you’re not used to them. We explain what the ACT wants you to write about in your essays and go over the different ways essay prompts are often worded.

Getting a high score on ACT Writing can be challenging, but as long as you know what graders are looking for, you should have no problem raising your score. Read this guide to learn all of our best tips and strategies for getting a solid essay score.

Craving a perfect essay score? This comprehensive guide explains what a 12 on the ACT essay means, elaborates on how a 12 differs from a 10 (even though both are high scores!), and offers a list of do’s and don’ts for a level-12 essay.

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ACT Logistics and Planning

You won’t do well on the ACT if you don’t plan ahead of time. This is why it’s important to ask yourself some basic logistical questions: when will you take the ACT? How many times should you take it? How many weeks or months should you spend studying?

Our resources below will help you plan your ACT prep. In addition, we give you links to high-quality study materials you can incorporate into your prep plan.

Test Dates

Choosing a test date is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when it comes to the ACT. You should give yourself enough time to prepare for the test and (hopefully) raise your score. These guides explain when the best time to take the ACT is, whether it’s your first or third attempt.

For a full list of ACT test dates, check out these guides, which offer verified (and projected, if info has not been released yet) dates and deadlines for future ACT test dates. Use these resources to help you decide which date works best for your schedule.

Study Plans

How long you need to study for the ACT depends on a few main factors: your baseline score, your target score, and how much time you have before test day. This guide explains how to figure out what an ideal study plan is for you using these criteria.

The key to doing well on the ACT is to not procrastinate. But if you already made the mistake of putting off your prep, the best thing you can do now is to figure out how to use the rest of your time effectively. These two guides teach you how to study for the ACT despite your time limitations and offer tips on what study materials to use.

Prep Materials

Official full-length ACT practice tests are by far the best resources you can use for ACT prep. These links give you all available practice tests as PDFs and explain how to use them in your prep.

Prep books offer comprehensive overviews of the ACT, from content review and practice questions to answer explanations and test-taking tips. But which ones are worth buying? These guides give you our top picks for both official and unofficial ACT prep books.

Although we believe PrepScholar offers the best ACT info on the web, it’s a good idea to supplement your studies with other high-quality ACT prep websites. In this guide, we give you a list of the best websites you can use for ACT practice, content review, and strategy help.

The 4 Best ACT Apps (and How to Use Them in Your Prep)

Apps shouldn’t be the only material you use for ACT prep, but they can be excellent supplemental resources and on-the-go refreshers. This guide introduces the top four ACT apps and explains how to use them so that you’re benefiting from their best features.

Concluding Words

By now, you’ve hopefully read, or at least skimmed, several of the resources in this free ACT study guide. That’s great! Use the guides we link to here to launch you to other resources and links you think might be helpful to you. We hope you’ll continue to use this resource to look for answers to your questions and prepare yourself for the ACT.

As a reminder, try not to get overwhelmed by all the info here (and out there, too!). The ACT is an important test, sure, but it’s also completely manageable. So take your time, read what you want to learn more about, and practice your skills using high-quality materials. Good luck!

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A little extra luck for you on the ACT! (JD Hanco*ck/Flickr)

What’s Next?

Want more help with your ACT prep? Let us lend you a hand! With our customizable online ACT prep program, you’ll get all the help you need and the freedom you want.

Thinking of taking the SAT, too? Then you’ll definitely want to check out our ultimate SAT study guide . Like this guide, our SAT version offers a giant compilation of our best articles and resources, all of which are completely free!

The Ultimate Free ACT Study Guide Tips Strategies And Practice Study Smart Tutors Act Practice (2024)


What is the best study guide for the ACT? ›

#1 | Kaplan's ACT Prep Plus

It offers both in-book and online practice exams with access to video tutorials and expert strategies to help you tackle all aspects of the exam. Kaplan is an official partner for the live online ACT prep, so it means they have current and up-to-date information.

Is 3 weeks enough to study for the ACT? ›

Unfortunately, there's no substitute for putting in ample prep time, whether that's an hour a day over five weeks, or a more concentrated plan like this one. If you do have more time before your test date, we highly recommend spending at least five weeks studying for the ACT.

Is it hard to get a 30 on the ACT? ›

Absolutely! In fact, a 30 ACT score is very competitive—in the top 4 percent of test takers, to be exact.

How can I practice the ACT for free? › Users who sign up with receive access to a free ACT study guide, a full-length practice test with all four sections and a writing prompt, and helpful test-taking strategies. The site partners with Kaplan to provide free online ACT prep events.

What is the hardest subject in ACT? ›

However, many students report that the Science and Math sections tend to be the most challenging.

Is SAT or ACT harder? ›

The SAT and ACT generally cover the same topics. Both ACT and SAT scores are used for college admissions decisions and awarding merit-based scholarships. Most colleges do not prefer one test over the other. Neither the SAT nor the ACT is harder than the other.

Can you get a 30 on the ACT without studying? ›

Students may choose not to prepare due to the mindset that these exams are just like any other standardized test. Very rarely, a student earns a good score on the SAT/ACT without preparation. However, it is an unlikely reality for the vast majority of high school students.

Can I raise my ACT score by 10 points? ›

For most students, a 10 point score improvement will require at least 100 hours of studying. Plan ahead and make sure you have enough time before your test date to fit in all your studying without overworking yourself or resorting to last-minute cramming.

How hard is it to get a 32 on the ACT? ›

What percentile is a 32 ACT score? A 32 ACT score puts you at the 97th percentile, meaning you scored higher than 97% of all test takers.

Is 29 a bad ACT score? ›

ACT Test Score Ranges

Each section has a test score range of 1-36: Below Average Score Range: 1-16. Average Score Range: 17-24. Above Average Score Range: 25-36.

Can a 30 ACT get into Harvard? ›

There's no absolute ACT requirement at Harvard, but they really want to see at least a 34 to have a chance at being considered.

What kind of math is on ACT? ›

All of the math questions are five-choice, multiple-choice questions. These questions draw from six areas of math that most students have covered by the end of their 11th grade year: pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry.

Is it OK to not take the ACT? ›

More than 80 percent of U.S. colleges and universities do not require applicants to take standardized tests like the SAT or the ACT. That proportion of institutions with test-optional policies has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.

What is the best study tool of the ACT? ›

The Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 Edition

The Official ACT Prep Guide is the bestselling resource for students getting ready to take the ACT. You'll learn what to expect on test day, understand the types of questions you will encounter when taking the ACT, and adopt test-taking strategies that are right for you.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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