Athol Daily News from Athol, Massachusetts (2024)

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Athol Daily Newsi

Athol, Massachusetts

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gncsa'agsvrisa vs i svrasyygrry rn: dp eb 'fXi 4hr- I i 1S sf 1 Poo 2 AIHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday May 281997 INATIONAUWeathe MiniL imrimfEtttfl) Rtfltwt flnrt) iTftyt TheAccuWnatfwforacastfornoonaThuredaylMay29 'high I COLO MMMi fmnONMr EETES IH EZ3 mw reiUMus xum mow a awnr rtcuaum aouor IMIKMUL SUMAMY wwanmblhomhtouwndrancnipLaMWanslBnwimrtimdalacoldhwaAlwr i errand how Ohio la Qsorgianm cod win agraaVmeanrtn ana hechigwi'nwEart wM isnnin dnfW pwW uxnNns thy urn in Manioc wuch dew Hnns mdr Athol Police sunuay lr 12:12 am Reportof froup of youths or Lincoln Avenue drinking beer Found subjects uver 21: no alcohol Croup sent on 1 20 am Warwick police request-(J aMMulance with wn kt uf an emergency restraining onlcr at Tally Brook apartment -M ajn Party reported he lives at Tully Brook apartments and his girlfriend just trailed him from then to say mmimmk is yelling and screaming and broke a window downstairs All patties spoken to No windows damaged 2:44 am Loud music complaint on Sued Party shut down 353 am Request that officer check girlfriend's place of business on South Street and check her motor vehicle Vehicle not located 10:14 am Resident staled she lefl windows open last night and today found someone had thrown a lit cigarette into the building resulting in a bum on the hard- wood door Party believed that bull was thrown from adjacent apartment building Subject spoken to 10:36 am Report of loose dog destroying water garden on Freedom Street Owner of the dog spoken la Called complainant and offered restitution 1 1417 am Report of bike stolen from Drury Avenue- 1:06 pm Pony reported hitting a car while backing out of her employer's driveway: has insurance and will contact subject 2:14 nt Fequoig Avenue resident reported neighbors are jumping on the door and being vety loud Gone on arrival 2:38 PM Motor vehicle operated by James Hardy 43 218 Drury Ave struck a parked vehicle and came to rest on top of a concrete wall Chestnut Street Hardy was transported to Athol Memorial Hospital was treated and released for minor injuries Damage to both vehicles in excess of SUNN) Hardy was cited for operating a vehicle under thg influence of alcohol and speeding 34)7 pm Report of male subject acting strangely in the Highland Cemetery Youth sent on way 4:03 pm Report of occupants of motor vehicle drinking alcohol on Street Gone on arrival 4:29 pm West Royalston Rond resident reported another threatening call from person against whom she has a contact protective order Charges filed 3:46 pm Parly reported youths "killing pigeons in the municipal lot Gone on arrival 6:28 pm Report of an intoxicated male who has fallen off his bike in the vicinity of Daniel Shays Highway Ambulance dispatched and subject transported to Athol Memorial Hospital for evaluation 6:46 pm Party reported receiving a call from a known subject stating that he is still driving around Checked area motor vehicle not found 7:23 pm Report of neighbor's kids throwing things out into Pcquotg Avenue All parties spoken to 8:08 pm Party reported a girl threw rocks at his residence on South Street and he yelled at her 8:33 pm Party requested officer speak with unruly son in die house Main Street Parent and child spoken to Parent will report incident to son's probation officer 9:26 pm Collage Street resident reported neighbor playing loud music Quiet on arrival 9:27 pm Report of intoxicated male silting on from steps of Main Street building asking women for a ride home Officer transported subject to town line 9:30 pm South Main Street resident requests extra patrols of her residence and boyfriend's residence because of threats made by a former boyfriend to vandalize motor vehicles Advised of restraining orders 10:38 pm Party reported a male and female subject in the road on Ridge Avenue arguing It appears that male may hurt the female Subjects spoken to and sen! on way Monday 124)3 am Officer reported stopping motor vehicle owned and operated by Julie Pistorino at the intersection of Main and School streets with expired registration Vehicle lowed 12:08 am Orange Street resident reported her boyfriend is drunk and will not leave and he is yelling and waking up the children Male subject left on his own 12:33 am Report of suspicious motor vehicle going under the tunnel bridge 12:37 am Report of a group of Area Tonight dear Low 40 to 45 Wind becoming light and variable Thursday sonny High 75 to 80 Friday increasing clouds Chance of showers late Lows 45 to 55 Highs in the 70s Saturday chance of showers Lows 50 to 55 High 70 to 75 Sunday chance of i ji Mass Lottery Results juveniles on Main Street yelling Advised to go inside and quiet drwn 8:49 am Tremom Sued resident given annoyance call bureau number and officer name for harassing phone calls 1051am Ridge Avenue resident reported a woman who he thinks may be his girlfriend's mother came to the door and parted kicking it When he went to the door she started to hit him Advised to lake complaint to court Welfare of girlfriend and eight-year-old sister checked: no problem found 2:20 pm Shelburne dispatch reported that Brookside Road resident called and staled his neighbor's son is ervoute to work driving a motoreyde at a high rate of speed Unable to locale 3:28 pm of a minor two-car accident at Lord Fond Plaza 356 pm Report of a band practicing loo loudly on Colonial drive Band advised of the complaint and will stop playing fur today 4:33 pm Report of unwanted subject at the door of Vine Street residence 3:31 pm Hapgood Street resident reported a hit and run accident 6:32 pm Patricia Thibodeau 22 4 Charles PI was arrested on charges uf assault and battery and domestic violence 7:38 pm Harrington resident re- ported his daughter was kicked and struck with a slick while walking on South Street 7:41 pm Report of bike stolen from Pinedale Avenue 7:43 pm Report of youths hitting golf balls against an abandoned house in vicinity of Fish Park and Maple streets Unable to locate youths 8:29 pm Party in to station reporting he has been told by subject he can nor go to his own residence Subject entered station yelling and officer escorted her outside to speak to her Officers dispatched to Charles Place to keep the peace Femaje decided to slay at the residence 9:37 pm Daniel Currier 18 Fitchburg was arrested on Route 2 on charges of failure to slop for a police officer while operating a motor vehicle operating to endanger speeding failure to dim lights operating after license or right to operate suspended failure to obey pavement markings passing in no-pass lane and two default warrants 1053 pm West Royalston Road resident reported her son has taken off and violated his probation She staled he is violent and suicidal Son located at father's residence at 1 1:14 Son will stay for the night and mother advised Tuesday 12:16 am Report of a large beaver walking down middle of Walnut Street IW ICUAM ft BinCB SOMMER SHOAL) 54M Cash Price Thru Sept 1 OolIJtoMMMS msasMi KlVA Other regisaal drawings IHStalc Hrfharta May 24 S-IM1-2ZJ1-119 May 24 5-21-33-35-45 13 Wv-' i GAAAFSN Presents SUPPORTED PARENT ADVOCACY NETWORK (SPAN) TRAINING on 766 Speaker Pat Moore Special Needs Transition From Grade to Grade General Meeting Thurs May 29th 7:00 pm A Free Special Needs Advocacy And Consultation Services For Your Special Needs Student GAAAFSN OFFICES 599 Main St Athol Open to the Public 1B7 AcraWMttwjM showers Lows 50 to Highs in the 70s Air Quality Forecast Good and low moderate Almanac Sun rose 5:12 Sten sets Length ofdayld hours 59 minutes New Moon Jane 5 Full Moon Jane 20 THE MG GAME Frtdajr May 23 2 3 5 4S4 Big Money Bate 19 Thomas Leano a sophom*ore at Monty Tech in Fitchburg wap recently inducted into the National Honor Society David Richardson son of John and Rise Richardson of town Was named to the list for the spring semester at the University of Vermont College of Life Sciences and Agriculture He is a freshman at the school majoring in Environmental Science The AARP will hold installation of officers June 2 at 6 pm at the Elks Club In 1923 Oklahoma regulated its oil fields to discourage excess production the regulations became the model for other oil-producing states IpAnn Bxault Registered Ekctrobgist ncBAiRcnYPRnmNs Wtiliawua IMhtaf i -154 Wert Street Gardner WHsanariCnar Litter aHpi ifim fidats Aim fit 9mmU5pm I S08K620i36l6 336 am Party advised she is trying to locate her 18-year-old daughter who left last evening to meet someone and was supposed to be home to rtart new' job in the morning Called back party to advise that daughter is enrouie to home 7:23 am Report of dothes taken from clothesline South Street 8 am Report of window broken Chestnut Hid Avenue 'y- 937 am Milktr motor vehicle accident Crescent Street 1 1:42 am Juvenile arrested on a warrant Transported to Orange District Court:" i'- 137pm Report of elderly male sittingon wall in front of Eddy's Restaurant for quite some time Subject spoken to do problem found 138 pm Report of possible restraining order notation Main Street Arrest warrant applied for 1:44 pm Dog owners spoken to about complaints of loose dogs 2:17 pm Report of two vehicles with kids on logging trad CSrpenier Road Gone on arrival 244 pm Report of male subject at Lake Park jumped in front of a vehicle and pointing a gun The vehicle slopped and the subject got in the vehicle The car was occupied by a male driver a fe- male passenger and possibly a child Vehicle checked and no weapon found 3:28 pm Parly reported male subject at Silver Lake Cemetery stating the police are looking for him because he beat up a police officer Subject gone on arrival Officer spoke with subject later who said he was playing "hide seek" on the police at the cemetery Advised not to do so in the future 4:04 pm Party reported three youths are beating up her brother in front of her residence All parties spoken to and advised of options 4:38 pm Party reports his track has been spray pointed while parked on Elizabeth Street 3:33 pm Party reported her -boyfriend hit her during an argument at Silver Lake Street location Arrested James A Collins 23 1 1 1 Silver Lake St on charges of assauh and battery and domestic abuse 630 pm Report of two unattended babies in motor vehicle on Sanders Street later man got in and drove away Registration ran and came back active to another vehicle in Orange Orange police advised who will be check on the two babies and the possibility of plate swapping 751 pm West Royalston Rond resident repotted an unwanted person at her home yelling at her daughter Subject arrested earlier for domestic assault and battery Subject given a verbal trespass notice and sent on way 7:33 pm Parly reported his wife was in Silver Lake Cemetery with her bike She got off the bike to walk and when she returned the bike was gone 7:36 pm Party reports a possible violation of a restraining order Found it was probably not a violation but will speak to the district attorney 8:43 pm Patty reported a remote control truck was stolen out of her motor vehicle Called back to state she has found the track Today 12:12 am Cottage Street apartment resident requested to speak specifically to an officer not on duty regarding a problem Called back and said his problem was a deteriorating relationship with his girlfriend and that he feels if he leaves he will lose his furniture Advised party to speak with Human Resource Center Later officer transported party to Athol Hospital for assistance 12:38 am Advised of open door at Main Street location Keyholder on scene door secured 1:421 am Report of a suspicious unattended vehicle in the street on Chestnut Hill Avenue Owner contacted 3:04 am Fatly reported he has no water advised department of public works Phillipston Police Sunday Report of assault and battery Bald-winville Road Both Parties advised of court procedures Athol Fire Sunday 10:12 am Geri Drive at River-bend Woods Alarm activation No one home but a relative gained entry Found to be a dirty detector Motor vehicle accident Hapgood and Chestnut Streets Stabilized the vehicle while patient was removed and transported to AMH 2:43 pm Geri Drive alarm activation Maintenance man disconnected system until it can be cleaned or repaired 3:23 pm Main Street assisted with repainting the flag pole at the town hall 6:29 pm Riverbend Woods park report that a man had fallen off a bicycle but no one bad seen the accident Ambulance EMTs checked him over if Monday 1:27 am Hapgood and Cottage Streets Box 233 Malicious false alarm Tuesday 1:45 pm Exchange Street stood by for ambulance at medical cmergeii- cy- Oninge Fire Monday 12:02 am At Tully Fond off Royalston Road outside fire Found to be boo-cooking fire 1 2:47 pm Entry alarm activation East Main Street Found alarm was set off when someone had opened a fire escape door No problem 23-nt Box 58 Cartiae Mown in the Industrial Park Found to be sprinkler system malfunction BUICK yro Snick rina Cullen Michelle Deslrois-maisons Colleen Dorsey Samuel Flagg Jennifer Hayden Mitre Hebert Duane Hisco*ck Cheryl finicky Kevin Mahoney Jeffrey Monte Stephanie Pandiscio Kan-dace Reed Pamela Shinkle Linda Ted ford Carl Tikka and Edward Truehart Jr New Salem Douglas Riddell Orange Rebecca Boudreau Robin Bourdeau Benjamin Herk Kathleen Lemoine Tammy Reynolds Petersham Leslie Schleip-man Royalston Herve Bosse Mary Ward NeWArrivals 4 CECCHI: A son Christopher Arnold weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce was born May 26 in Franklin Medical Center Green-fiejd to Shirley (David) and Christopher A Cecchi of Orange Grandparents are Karen and Alex David of Athol Rod and Cindy Bouchard of Winchester Conn and Brian Cecchi of New Hartford Conn Great-grandparents are Emma and Bill Melton of Evensville Ind and Esther and Paul David of Paxton Christopher has a sister Portia Lynn 18 months BUICK MSRP SAVE DtalBTForMonnation MSRP 20460 279 Stk 4513 22708 25208 -2500 del ad On Cart) Down 12000 WaraSMondl GMACSmart- LMMMTBCM TUa Are Extra '97 BUICK APRIL MAY 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SLOW CREDI (ALL Ml' JOHN AT (508)1297-0777 OVER 150 QUALITY I A TRUCKSTO CHOOSE FROM mbebomr msowoms mwa HORRIGAN Rim 12 A 140 WMCHINDON MA ihlta iwhd i ajfl.

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Athol Daily News from Athol, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.